Please ask for samples!

First Contact

The manufacturer of these products has asked Better Surfaces if there would be a solution for to cover the top and bottom side of this product with a water seal coating to extend the range of applications.

After an intensive research, Better Surfaces has found a coating material, which met the requirements and the philosophy of the product, which is actually
food - safe, 100% biodegradable and compostable after the use of the product.
The coated materials went through intense tests with the goal to withstand water for the time of packaging and storage. These testing series are almost completed now.
After the change into optimized machine processes, which will be happening soon, a step by step integration into an automatic surface application through Better Surfaces will take place.

Our Considerations

During the project phase many Skype conferences calls have taken place with our customer. After each discussion about the product and the philosophy behind it, we became more and more impressed, so that Better Surfaces actually considered selling and distributing these products in Europe and North America.

Now, here we go!
Please look at the following pages. We feel that you will be convinced at this product, as we are. Please feel free to ask us for your requirements and orders. We are looking forward to service you.
Please ask for samples.

Download: Flyer Potat-o-plates_en (1.757,27 kb)
